Welcome to the Children’s Mental Health Collaborative (CMHC) website. Here, you will be able to gather more information around what our collaborative does, as well as find resources that focus on connecting youth to mental health services in the Dane County community. If you are interested in learning more about about our collaborative, join us at one of our upcoming meetings.
Upcoming Meetings2022-2023 Collaborative Large Group Meeting Dates
February: Friday, 2/10/23 8:30 - 10:30 am Zoom link: https://journeymhc.zoom.us/j/87474244857?pwd=S2c0VHpUdlloUGxTQVBYWXZkMU1MZz09 May: Friday, 4/28/223 8:30 - 10:30 am
Location: Zoom Call (email [email protected] for more information) |
Learn. Join. Change.